"Dark Order" (Necropolis/Deathvomit; 2001)

Reviewed by Christopher J. Kelter

Aeon's "Dark Order" is death metal in the vein of Incantation and Cannibal Corpse with a bit of the blackened and technical style of Pessimist thrown in for good measure. It might even be fair to bring Morbid Angel into the "sounds-like" list due to the frantic high-pitched squeals of the guitar and the deep guttural growl not unlike Steve Tucker.

The six tracks on "Dark Order" barely reach 22 minutes total, making it more of an EP than a full-length. In any case, "Dark Order" moved by very quickly. This means either that it was so good I lost track of time or I was so indifferent that I didn't notice the time pass by. Unfortunately, it was the latter.

Personally, I?ve grown a bit indifferent to the proliferation of death metal bands wandering this forsaken Earth. Quite frankly, I beginning to wonder if the death metal market has reached its saturation point - it wouldn?t surprise me if it has. Then again, market saturation is a matter of perception when it comes to music sales. There are no benchmarks for when there are too many death metal bands trying to push product onto the masses and the label and independent releases keep pushing new product.

Necropolis certainly wins my admiration for continuing to mine musical entrails of death metal for bands that can blast away with precision and crushing riffs. If nothing else, Aeon has technical skills in spades.

Regardless, "Dark Order" has its strong points as the technical elements of the band win points for me, but will certainly be lost on the majority of the CD buying public.

Simply put, if you hadn?t caught my drift earlier, death metal fans will love Aeon?s "Dark Order."

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.


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