"The Id Will Overcome" (Metal Blade; 2010)

Reviewed by Mike SOS

After numerous lineup changes and other problems that plague many bands flying below the radar, the much delayed sophomore release by The Abominable Iron Sloth finally gets to see the light of day.

Retaining a harbingering sludgy doom metal slant while applying a loose garage punk veneer to their caustic mix (striking a not so surprising middle ground between Nirvana, Gaza and Entombed in the process) the unit -- now whittled down to a lean and mean trio -- present an excruciatingly heavy excursion entitled "The Id Will Overcome."

Buzzsaw guitars, thunderous percussion and thick layers of bass collide to comprise 12 tracks of mid-paced mauling with decisively decreased levels of metallic heft trading spots with an unsettling slathering of dissonance whose moments of grungy melodics yield the band memorable hooks underneath the harsh apocalyptic aggressiveness.

Relentlessly exuding nihilism through sonic punishment while a rash of shorter song lengths suggest a significant punk hardcore sphere of influence working in the band?s psyche, this disc provides followers of the more abrasive end of the metal spectrum a potent and at times psychotic post metal experience.

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Rating Guide:

A classic. This record will kick your ass.

Killer. Not a classic but it will rock your world.

So-so. You've heard better.

Pretty bad. Might make a nice coaster.

Self explanatory. Just the sight of the cover makes you wanna hurl.

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